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APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS SRT 192V 8kVA and 10kVA Battery Pack

2 200,00 $
2 079,99 $
Mfg # SRT192BP2 CDW # 3889235 | UNSPSC 26111707

Caractéristiques techniques en un clin d’œil

  • Safer compared to other lead-acid batteries, while its spill proof design makes it the perfect power source for your critical devices
  • With 192 V DC battery, never run out of power and keep your UPS operational at all times
  • Once installed, it requires low maintenance
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Connaître son équipement

Les systèmes de batteries à fonctionnement prolongé offrent une autonomie flexible aux applications Smart-UPS critiques.
2 200,00 $
2 079,99 $
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APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS SRT 192V 8kVA and 10kVA Battery Pack

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2 079,99 $

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