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TerraWave 2.4/5 GHz 6 dBi Micro Patch with 4 Dual Band Leads - antenne

698,11 $
606,99 $
Mfg # M6060060D3D3607T CDW # 7648352

Caractéristiques techniques en un clin d’œil

  • Antenne
  • 6 dBi (for 2,4 GHz), 6 dBi (for 5 GHz)
  • outdoor, ceiling mountable, wall-mountable, pole mount, indoor
  • Wi-Fi
  • directional
  • Blanc
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698,11 $
606,99 $
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TerraWave 2.4/5 GHz 6 dBi Micro Patch with 4 Dual Band Leads - antenne

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606,99 $

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