3 min

Infographie : Are Canadian Organizations Embracing Artificial Intelligence?

AI is reshaping industries and tackling complex challenges that were once considered impossible to solve. So, how do Canadian organizations of all sizes across the public and private sectors truly feel about adopting and implementing AI tools?

Canadian organizations are cautiously optimistic about AI

Three-in-five organizations express openness to using AI, with half feeling comfortable about its current implementation.

58 %

des petites entreprises connaissent les technologies de langage naturel et les outils de traitement

21 %

of respondents feel confident in their company's ability to implement AI tools  

62 %

of businesses are comfortable using AI tools

48 %

of organizations feel positively about the use of AI in the workplace

AI sentiments in the public and private sectors

Contrary to perceptions, a higher portion of public sector respondents (64 percent) express readiness for AI adoption compared to the private sector (58 percent).

Secteur public

57 %

Company or user privacy & security concerns

54 %

Personal data breaches 

50 %

Répercussions éthiques sur les questions du consentement et de l’autonomie 

Private Sector

42 %

Biased inputs/user programming that may lead to unfair outcomes 

41 %

Répercussions éthiques sur les questions du consentement et de l’autonomie 

40 %

Unclear legal regulations and compliance issues 

Canadian small businesses face greater challenges in adopting AI

Small businesses express less openness and readiness for AI implementation. Only 28 percent of small businesses are aware of the available data processing and analysis tools, compared to 60 percent of large businesses.

Perceived benefits of investing in AI and data analytics tools:

Petites entreprises

Large Businesses

Disponibilité accrue des données et des informations

34 %

53 %

Improved decision-making

20 %

53 %

Enhanced customer experience

18 %

37 %

Natural language processing tools are just the tip of the iceberg

Most organizations are just scratching the surface when exploring the capabilities of data analytics and AI tools.  

58 %

use natural language processing and interaction tools

21 %

use machine learning and deep learning platforms

62 %

use automation and optimization tools

48 %

use AI for specific applications

Third parties are here to help with AI implementation

Only 29 percent of businesses have engaged third-party assistance to help with the implementation of AI tools.

The top three tasks identified by organizations not currently using third-party services include: 

50 %

Addressing legal, ethical and regulatory challenges related to AI 

49 %

Evaluating, recommending and choosing suitable AI tools 

49 %

Providing AI training and fostering AI literacy among the organization