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Logitech Signature MK650 Combo for Business Wireless Mouse and Keyboard Combo

99,99 $
91,99 $
Mfg # 920-010909 CDW # 7085326 | UNSPSC 43211733

Caractéristiques techniques en un clin d’œil

  • Enjoy Bluetooth/RF wireless connection compatibility with most of the devices
  • Offers plug and play interface PC
  • Built-in scrolling wheel for quick page navigation and handy control over browsers' tabs
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Le Combo Signature MK650 for Business répond aux besoins du service informatique et des employés.
99,99 $
91,99 $
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Disponibilité : Disponible
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Logitech Signature MK650 Combo for Business Wireless Mouse and Keyboard Combo

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