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StarTech.com Professional RJ45 Network Installer Tool Kit with Carrying Case, Network Installation Kit, Network TAA

323,99 $
Mfg # CTK400LAN CDW # 620251 | UNSPSC 27113200

Caractéristiques techniques en un clin d’œil

  • Provides all the necessary tools to install and test RJ45 networks in a compact and handy carrying case
  • Tools included are: an RJ45/11 Crimp tool and a 110/66 Impact Punch Tool and a wire stripper and several RJ45 connectors and an RJ45 network cable tester with remote loopback plug
  • Network Installation Tool Kit/Network Installation Kit/Network Tool Kit/RJ45 Installation Kit/Network Installer Kit/Professional RJ45 Network Installer Tool Kit with Carrying Case
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Connaître son équipement

Ce kit comprend un câble de connexion à distance, une pince à sertir combo, un outil de perforation, un outil d'ébavurage, 30 connecteurs RJ11, 30 connecteurs RJ45, 24 amorces pour les extrémités de câbles (de couleurs différentes), 2 lames pour l'outil d'ébavurage et une housse de transport.
323,99 $
Disponibilité : Disponible
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StarTech.com Professional RJ45 Network Installer Tool Kit with Carrying Case, Network Installation Kit, Network TAA

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323,99 $

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