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Thales CipherTrust Manager k170v - License - 1 Node

26 739,36 $
21 298,99 $
Mfg # 976-000011-001-000 CDW # 6874212

Détails du logiciel

  • CipherTrust Manager k170v
  • 1 nœud
  • Licence
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CipherTrust Manager offers the industry-leading enterprise key management solution enabling organizations to centrally manage encryption keys, provide granular access control and configure security policies. CipherTrust Manager is the central management point for the CipherTrust Data Security Platform. It manages key lifecycle tasks including generation, rotation, destruction, import and export, provides role-based access control to keys and policies, supports robust auditing and reporting, and offers developer friendly REST API.
26 739,36 $
21 298,99 $
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Disponibilité : Disponible
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Thales CipherTrust Manager k170v - License - 1 Node

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21 298,99 $

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